Your Dose of Health Tech Insights by Kilo Health Experts

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You Cannot Treat Heart Disease by Simply Prescribing a Pill
Mar 30 · 4 minutes

Robertas Pranevičius, MD, is an interventional cardiologist who looks at heart health from a person-centered standpoint. He believes that you cannot treat heart disease by only focusing on the symptoms. As humans are not a collection of body parts. Often,…

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3 Most Common Misconceptions About Healthy Nutrition
Mar 23

Consulting more than 30,000 people about nutrition will make you pick up some clues on what foods can confuse a typical health-conscious person. And believe me, I have heard some peculiar misconceptions people believe over my career. Some of them…

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Elderly Health in the Digital World
Mar 20 · 2 minutes

The newest technologies, in general, are more popular among younger audiences. But the digital health and wellness market has recently taken notice of a new industry vertical – Elderly Health.   In autumn 2021, Kilo Health researchers analyzed 205 investment deals….

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The Future of Nutrition
Mar 10 · 7 minutes

Did you know that about half of the cells in your body are actually bacteria? We didn’t until Kristina Žalnieraitė told us. Kristina was the first-ever nutritionist to join Kilo Health. Over the years, she has grown her team into 17 experts and created a…

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The Doctor Will Call Us Before We Get Sick
Mar 3

In the future, we won’t call a doctor after something starts to ache. They will call us before we get sick. The sensors and software will alert us in advance, says Kilo Health’s Head of Medical Affairs Kasparas Aleknavicius. With Kasparas, we talked…

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What’s Breaking American Hearts?
Feb 21 · 4 minutes

We have asked 11,408 people who have heart problems to help us understand how many of the chronic conditions or lifestyle choices could be prevented. Then, we ranked the top reasons behind high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So what’s breaking…

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Stay on top of health and wellness news

Kilo Outsider is a curated monthly newsletter for everyone who cares about health – from investors to policy makers, from entrepreneurs to healthy living enthusiasts.

The Future of Digital Therapeutics
Feb 21 · 3 minutes

What future do digital therapeutics have, and what potential can they offer in the near future? The digitalization of wellness and health products has exploded in recent years. It provided new means that might allow tackling various health-related issues. Also,…

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Ilona Bernotaite: How One Trip Turned Into a Lifestyle
Feb 10

You probably already know that here at Kilo Health, we pride ourselves on our people. They’re crazy, creative, hard-working, and know how to have proper fun. We’re lucky to get to work alongside this amazing bunch every day, and it’s…

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Three Digital and Wellness Market Trends
Jan 28 · 1 minute

In autumn, investors made 205 deals in the digital health and wellness industry. Also, they have spent billions on health-focused startups. We made a thorough analysis of these deals and wrote a brief report introducing three digital and wellness market trends from…

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A Surprising New Way to Reconnect the Mind and Body
Jan 21 · 8 minutes

Imagine an exercise routine that you can’t wait to get back to. With as little as 5 minutes a day of using Octomoves weighted ropes, both Olympic athletes and fitness beginners reported feeling energized and stress-free. This new type of…

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2021 Wrapped: The Year Of Growth For Kilo Health
Jan 7

It’s just a couple of days after the New Year. Let’s take a moment to stop, focus, and reflect on the victories and challenges that occurred along the way. The past year was quite fascinating for Kilo Health, and today…

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Why 61,570 People Wanted to Join Kilo Health Last Year
Jan 6 · 2 minutes

In 2021, we got 61,570 queries from people who wanted to join Kilo Health. 445 new colleagues from 15+ countries became a part of our team. In total, we have 550+ people reshaping the digital health industry, and we expect to have…

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Stay on top of health and wellness news

Kilo Outsider is a curated monthly newsletter for everyone who cares about health – from investors to policy makers, from entrepreneurs to healthy living enthusiasts.