Kilo Health Newsroom

In 2023, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. Here’s what we are up to in 2024.

Company news

May 28, 2024
„Kilo Health“ tęsia investicijas: krepšelį papildė vokiečių kurtas produktas
„Kilo Health“ toliau didina savo valdomų produktų portfelį. Lietuvių kompanija perima vokiečių sukurtos inovatyvios sveikatingumo aerobikos (angl. fitness) žaidimų programėlės „Tuby“ valdymą.
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Apr 21, 2024
How positive company culture can impact your productivity and growth
Good company culture is invaluable to a company's bottom line. A 2019 study by Oxford University and MIT showed that happier workers can boost productivity by 12%. But what about individuals?
Work in Lithuania
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Apr 19, 2024
Rokiruotė „Kilo Health” vadovybėje: įmonei vadovaus Žygimantas Surintas, plėtra rūpinsis Tadas Burgaila
Sveikatos technologijų startuolio „Kilo Health“ vadovą Tadą Burgailą keičia Žygimantas Surintas, kuris bus atsakingas už įmonių grupės valdymą, produktų vystymą bei investicijas.
BNS Spaudos centras
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Apr 3, 2024
Internal Career: Why It Benefits Both Employees and Employers?
Internal career development opportunities are increasingly recognized as one of the most valuable benefits for employees. In fact, 62% of Learning and Development (L&D) professionals state that they are prioritizing internal mobility in 2024.
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Feb 22, 2024
Making a Marketing Breakthrough: How Kilo Health Co-found Will Get You There
After the trials and tribulations of the COVID-19 pandemic, the urgent need for digital wellness tools has led to a boom in the telemedicine and HealthTech market. Today, this market continues to expand, and there’s no sign of it stopping yet.
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Feb 21, 2024
As we enter the year 2024, the realm of nutrition trends is poised to undergo significant developments, placing particular attention on diverse subjects, with gut health emerging as a prominent focus.
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About Kilo Health

Kilo Health is a digital health and wellness company that offers over 30 products for 7+ million users worldwide. Today, it has 500+ teammates, hubs across 5 European cities, and runs a startup accelerator. Founded in 2013 with a mission to innovate digital healthcare.

Portfolio suite

Personal mental health app assistant based on cognitive behavioral therapy.

Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulator to decrease stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Daily routine tracker and habit-building app based on behavioral therapy.

Our experts

Our products are backed by renowned experts in their fields. Think the Steve Jobs' of the world.

Karolis Lapėnis

Chief of Operational Excellence

Žygimantas Surintas


Vilius Česnauskas

Chief Business Development Officer

Tadas Burgaila

Co-founder and Head of Growth

Ilona Bernotaitė

Chief People Officer

Kristina Žalnieraitė

Head of Nutrition & Wellness

Media assets


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Justė Petravičiūtė
Reputation & PR Manager