Your Dose of Health Tech Insights by Kilo Health Experts

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4 Digital Health Startups We Invested In
Jul 5 · 3 minutes

Over the past year, we became the second fastest-growing company in Europe. A part of this growth came from our investments in other healthtech companies through the Kilo Ventures program. So far, Kilo Health has put more than 2 million…

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A Call for Ambitious Digital Health Startups
Jun 28 · 3 minutes

Over the last year, Kilo Health invested over 2 million euros into healthtech startups Medical Score, Tyler.Health, Pulsetto, and Revolab. That was just the beginning. Today, we are officially launching our new investment program Kilo Ventures to help startups scale…

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Resolving Common Component Testing Issues for React Applications
Jun 14

During the lifecycle of an application, you will start encountering more and more problems while testing the components. Especially if you would delay testing till some later stage…

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4 Reasons Why the Workplace Wellness Programs Need a Makeover
Jun 13 · 4 minutes

Your job might offer you a gym membership, access to a meditation class, or a healthy breakfast. Even though each of these actions is valuable, many issues might arise if the workplace wellness program is poorly executed. 

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Design Patterns: Learning Path
Jun 4

Design patterns are typical solutions to the most common problems in software design. They help you tackle problems faster and allow you to communicate with other developers more easily. Plenty of us already use this approach, and it’s about time you started, too…

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4 Things You Must Know About the Silent Killer
Jun 1 · 6 minutes

By cardiologist Robertas Pranevičius  It’s heartbreaking to witness the anguish in my patients’ eyes when I have to tell them they have heart disease. I’ve seen this expression far too many times over the years. Unfortunately, most people are not…

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Stay on top of health and wellness news

Kilo Outsider is a curated monthly newsletter for everyone who cares about health – from investors to policy makers, from entrepreneurs to healthy living enthusiasts.

The Automation Journey of Kilo Health
May 30

We created the QA Department at Kilo Health nearly 3 years ago. Since the beginning, we have put a high emphasis on automation. Test automation provides confidence in your product and enables you to not only move faster in your release cycle but also spend the time you saved in a more productive way…

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6 Fresh Outlooks on Nutrition Science
May 28 · 6 minutes

The recent changes in nutrition science have helped us take a more comprehensive look at our health. It’s not about the specific foods anymore – we finally talk about systems and actions that together make us stronger, happier, and less…

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Seamlessly Integrating Health Data Will Win the Future
May 21 · 3 minutes

Kasparas Aleknavičius, MD, is a health futurist and the Head of Medical Affairs in Kilo Health. Under his leadership, we have explored multiple ways to use the latest technology and health data to improve the lives of millions. In today’s…

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What 290K People With High Cholesterol Told Us About Their Lifestyle
Apr 24

Over the past few years at Kilo Health working as a nutritionist, I had a chance to consult hundreds of people who seek help with their cholesterol levels. Even though the people come from very different backgrounds, the story seemed to be…

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3 Principles That Made Us the Second Fastest Growing Tech Company in Europe
Apr 11 · 3 minutes

The Financial Times has recently named Kilo Health the second fastest growing tech company in Europe. Much of this growth came last year when we hired more than 400 people across the globe. Let’s check the 3 principles that brought us here….

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The First 5 Steps You Need to Take to Start Eating Healthier
Apr 5 · 4 minutes

Plenty of us believe we should start eating healthier, but might sound like a demanding task. But it does not have to be impossible. It is all about gradual change and working on new habits that will last. I’ve gathered…

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Stay on top of health and wellness news

Kilo Outsider is a curated monthly newsletter for everyone who cares about health – from investors to policy makers, from entrepreneurs to healthy living enthusiasts.