Your Dose of Health Tech Insights by Kilo Health Experts

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3 Digital Health Trends That Show Americans Don’t Have Their Health Figured Out
Oct 11

What are the digital health trends today? 82% of Americans have tried health advice they found online. Around half don’t use the digital health tools that are available to them. Most believe they know how to take care of their…

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101 Thrilling Hobbies of Curious Adventurer Liucija Liu
Oct 6
Kilo Heroes

Liucija Liu Alksninyte plans her life around the seasons. In winter, she would go snowboarding or skiing, and summertime is dedicated to kiteboarding, riding her motorcycle, and wakeboarding. Not necessarily in that order – she tends to consult the weather…

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We Live Longer. How Can We Live Better?
Sep 29

Average Americans live longer today – the lifespan has grown from about 45 years in 1900 to over 75 years today. But is it the length of years lived that we should focus on, or the quality of those years?…

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Plan to Become a Back-End Engineer? Get Ready to Learn Your Entire Life
Sep 26

Every day, Ramas Grikstas wakes up before 7 AM, turns on his laptop, and gets ready to learn. This is a habit that he developed as a newbie PHP developer and plans to maintain for years to come.  “There are…

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3 Ways You Can Unlock Your Inventive Mind
Sep 5

Can you boost your inventive mind? Imagine this: You have to develop 5 unique concepts for your next marketing campaign. The deadline is in 5 hours. Should you sit at your desk with a stern look on your face, trying…

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What We Must Do Now to Stop the Great Reshuffle of 2023
Aug 24

The last few years have seen record high earnings for businesses and low employee morale. This two-sided process has resulted in mass layoffs and resignations and has been dubbed the Great Reshuffle. Is there a way to slow it down?…

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Stay on top of health and wellness news

Kilo Outsider is a curated monthly newsletter for everyone who cares about health – from investors to policy makers, from entrepreneurs to healthy living enthusiasts.

From Sales Manager to a Full-Stack Developer
Aug 19

A couple of years back, Lukas Repecka was working as a sales representative, dealing with any problem that might occur while choosing home electronics. Today, he is a junior full-stack developer with a year of practical back-end experience. 

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Git: How To Write A History Book Of Your Project
Aug 4

Let’s say that you dream of releasing a history book. That it is not an easy job, and there are strict guidelines you must follow. For starters, you cannot change the chronological order of the events. You also must make it easy to read and to understand for others. 

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Vagus Nerve Stimulation: How to Live Slowly in a Fast World
Jul 31

If you have spent any amount of time researching mental health, you have probably been bombarded with suggestions about vagus nerve stimulation.  It seems that it came out of nowhere – just a few months back, we didn’t know anything…

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It’s Now the Year 2023, and the Robots Have Taken Over
Jul 25

Right away, I would like to ask you to spot a difference between these two values: 1.428234234995816237434112354534567 and 1.428234234995816237434112354524567

Mhm? Were you able to do so? Let’s just leave it for the user testing.

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How to Create a Happy Workplace
Jul 18

More than 60K specialists wanted to join Kilo Health last year. From what it looks like at the moment, we will achieve and surpass the number this year. But our goal to reach 1,000 employees in the nearest future is…

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How We Tried Using Git Submodules (And Why It Did Not Work for Us)
Jul 13

You might know that feeling when you are talking with your colleague and discussing a technical problem in your project, and he says that everything is working fine on their computer. Not the greatest feeling, right?

I hope you try to understand why it is happening instead of pushing the changes to the server and testing it there.

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Stay on top of health and wellness news

Kilo Outsider is a curated monthly newsletter for everyone who cares about health – from investors to policy makers, from entrepreneurs to healthy living enthusiasts.