Deimante Butke and her 3 roles: Full-Time Job, Pursuing a PhD, and Motherhood

Feb 15
Kilo Heroes

I’m Deimante, currently Head of Marketing at Kilo Health, and a big lover of this company. My journey to being hired at Kilo has been quite the ride. 

How it all started?

I underwent interviews with 11 different people and had to prove myself over 3 months. Kilo Health takes great care in selecting head employees, and understandably so. However, I didn’t mind the wait one bit because I knew deep down that I wanted nothing more than to be a part of Kilo Health.

The highlight of it all was my final lunch with our CEO Tadas Burgaila. We delved into discussions about our business and marketing philosophies, and when he finally told me those magic words – ‘welcome on board’ – I couldn’t keep my happiness to myself. 

For those currently on this journey or those who will embark on it in the future, my advice is simple: showcase your knowledge and personality, but also remember to listen. It’s the basic secret to figuring out how to vibe with the people around you.

PhD is my passion and pleasure

My research topic is ‘Augmentity-driven decision-making: Emotional and Artificial Intelligence’, which may sound complex, but it’s actually more intriguing than complicated.

In simple terms, it explores how emotional intelligence, when combined with artificial intelligence, influences leaders’ decision-making. Interestingly, this theme is a daily occurrence at Kilo Health as well. So, I get to experience it both at work and in my studies.

I always wanted to continue my studies, but I couldn’t because, at the time, I had other priorities and wasn’t able to dedicate enough quality time.

But finally, the time came when I could do what I wanted. I received the call that I was accepted to the university as I was standing barefoot on a summer’s grass, and I started to cry uncontrollably while jumping for joy.

That’s how much it meant to me.

From logistics to marketing

Logistics itself is incredibly dynamic and deeply rooted in business. Growing up in this environment, business growth has become second nature to me. It has shaped my personality as I’ve lived and breathed business.

I’ve always been someone who loves being part of public gatherings, staying updated on trends and changes in the world, and everything that’s happening around us. It’s no surprise that marketing naturally found its way into my life, as I see its influence everywhere I go.

What I have noticed is that sales and marketing have often been perceived as separate fields in the past, but I am convinced that marketing is the new sales today.

By the way, Kilo Health serves as an example of how marketing-driven companies can rise to become global leaders.

Returning to my transition from logistics to marketing, as I felt the urge to shift gears and leave logistics behind, my first move was to go to a marketing agency, delving into various topics.

What I mean by this is that in a single day, you could be working on projects for retail clients, then meeting with representatives from banks, effortlessly moving across different industries.

However, in those initial stages, it’s important to gain a deep understanding of how businesses operate, so that marketing becomes a habit to you.

In marketing, being unaware isn’t an option

Furthermore, in marketing, it’s essential to stay abreast of trends — what’s happening in the world, what’s evolving, what competitors are up to, and what new techniques are emerging. Being unaware simply isn’t an option if you want to succeed.

The landscape of marketing, especially in terms of content usage, moves like a wave. Trends can shift in a matter of weeks, depending on the platform and customer base. 

Everything is in constant flux — the popularity of channels, the age demographics of customers, and their consumption habits. As a result, your marketing strategy must adapt accordingly.

That’s why it’s crucial to follow the marketing waves, study your market, and never stop learning. There is a wealth of content for this purpose — you just need to know how to leverage it. 

Plus, with just a computer, you can work from anywhere in the world, marketing knows no borders. Especially when you have an opportunity to work remotely, like at Kilo Health.

Sure, there will always be ups and downs, as success in marketing hinges on numerous factors. But ultimately, we learn and grow from our mistakes, right? So, the sky’s the limit in this field.

The secret to balancing 3 roles

In a conference on women leaders, I was asked how I manage my dual roles as Head of Marketing and a PhD student, all while being a mom to two kids with school and extracurricular activities.

My golden rule? Cut the elephant into pieces.

Setting priorities is key. By this, I mean it’s essential to balance your responsibilities, establish a clear routine, and maintain discipline – opting to wake up earlier and dedicate weekends to studying instead of going out.

I never allow myself to ‘go with the flow’.

Discipline is crucial. I stick to a strict schedule for waking, working, picking up my kids from kindergarten (thankfully, we take turns doing so with my husband), studying, and leaving time for fun.

In a high-stress environment, getting enough hours of sleep and prioritizing health checks are non-negotiable.

This lifestyle isn’t for everyone.

Essentially, we all have many opportunities and often limit ourselves in our minds. However, there are numerous examples showing that a person can achieve a lot if he actually goes for it. When you engage in activities you love, they are performed entirely differently, with pleasure. This is true for me as well — my work and colleagues bring me indescribable happiness. 

I go to the office every day because I want to. My studies also bring me joy because the topic is personally interesting to me, and the university provides an amazing community that supports me. 

My family and children are, without a doubt, the joy and meaning of my whole life. We are best friends and one strong, united team at home.

Do you think we would vibe? Maybe we should collaborate — check out our careers page.

Deimante Butke
Head of Marketing

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