DevEx: Testing w/ Alvaro Laserna Lopez & Justinas Zidonis

The event will take place at Aludariai st. 3, Vilnius (Kilo Health HQ) on April 27th, 2023, at 6:00 PM

Developer experience is not a term that’s as well-defined as user experience, with some groups interpreting it to mean the experience developers have or create with an individual tool, while others interpret it as the experience of developers within their company. Ultimately, both of these definitions are interconnected and impact one another. It stands to reason that developers who have a positive experience with well-designed tools are more likely to create such tools themselves.


What is it about?

Our DevEx series of events is an inter-functional experience for developers in Lithuania, featuring insights and perspectives from a diverse group of colleagues from around the world. We hope you’ll join us for this exciting opportunity to learn and grow.


Third DevEx is dedicated to, without a doubt, one of the most important parts of the engineering - testing:
Alvaro Laserna Lopez
R&D Lead Engineer @ TestDevLab: Hardware & Software for Audio & Video Live Testing

Alvaro is senior software and automation engineer with a background in physics and M.S. in space science. Together with his team he have developed a full e2e hardware setup ViQuLab, together with a specific set of software tools and platforms to retrieve live performance metrics out of any given application. From MOS metrics for video and audio to network consumption and a network limitation hardware developed by TestDevLab called NetEmBox. Here he will present all of this, and how they use it to provide the best quality reports to their customers.

Justinas Zidonis
Head of Developer Experience @ Kilo Health: CI/CD Transformation: Enhancing Pipelines with E2E Tests and Customized Notifications

Justinas was a QA engineer for almost 10 years in different fields ranging from manual testing of computer software and services for the design, construction, and operation of infrastructure, to implementing complex and different automation solutions and integrating them into CI/CD. In his preseantation Justinas will show how we (Kilo Health) elevated our software development process by incorporating end-to-end testing and tailor-made notifications, ultimately creating a more agile, efficient, and resilient CI/CD pipeline.